Henderson, NV Recreational Weed Patients Thrilled

Henderson Nevada Cannabis
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Henderson residents hoping to buy recreational marijuana will have to wait at least a bit longer to do so locally. The city council of Henderson cast a unanimous vote to extend the current moratorium on weed until September at the latest.

There are currently a total of five Henderson dispensaries that own a license to sell marijuana for recreational use. The edict prevents any of these businesses from selling the product for recreation and further prevents several testing and cultivating facilities from operating. However, the sale and use of marijuana for valid medical purposes will not be affected by the extension.

Gerri Schroder, a councilwoman in charge for marijuana in Henderson Nevada, said that the body had been “working on regulations for several months,” but added that they need a little more time. She feels that they’ve almost reached a consensus.

The original measure was put in place earlier this year when the council cast an affirmative vote for on February 7th. That measure would have expired on Sunday night were it not for the recent increase. But Henderson residents can find some comfort in the fact that originally, the moratorium could have lasted the entire year, as the council initially considered a twelve-month law in January. Reports indicate that the vote on Tuesday would be discussed in greater detail at the next council meeting, which was scheduled for September 5th.

At the beginning of the year, Nevada chose to legalize marijuana for recreational us in nearby Las Vegas up to one ounce for the flower or one-eighth of an ounce for its THC equivalent. Sales of the plant for recreation subsequently began on July 1st after approval the state’s Department of Taxation.

A more permanent form of the regulations governing recreational use will not go into effect until January 1st.

Debra March, mayor of Henderson, said that the city will consider letting dispensaries become 24-hour facilities; a perk currently only enjoyed by North Las Vegas dispensaries. Several local authorities including March and the Chief of Police remarked that longer hours may help prevent burglaries of the similar facilities, which have been increasing lately.

Police Chief Peters said that longer hours are “worth a discussion,” because the robberies often happen after store closings.

Dispensary owners in Henderson were generally receptive to Tuesday’s ruling, with Dispensary Association president Andrew Jolley remarking that he was “satisfied” and glad that the city is drafting ordinances for retail. He added that while thirty more days won’t be significant in terms of sales, he hopes the city will follow the will of the patients in need of pain medication, which is to allow retail sales of the plant.

Other owners such as Armen Yemenidjian approve because the process is deliberate and means greater flexibility and protections for these businesses in the long run. Although he doesn’t feel it is the best option, he is still pleased that things are moving forward and that Henderson City Council is choosing to do things “by the book.”